Robots.txt Optimisation

When we work on any website and look for the search engine optimization process. This question comes in to our mind that what the use of robots.txt file and how can we manage this file for our website to instruct the search engine's crawlers.

Everytime when search engine boats or crawlers visit the website then they gets the instruction from robots.txt file about crawling the website. So, robots.txt optimization is play an important role in the best practice guidelines of any white hat seo process. Through robots.txt file, we can instruct to the search engines that which part of website they need to crawled for indexing or which part they need to avoid this time for crawing/indexing.

If we want to make our website only for our direct users and don't want to explore that in front of search engine then with the help of robots.txt optimization we can easily instruct the search engines and disallow the crawlers to access our website through robots.txt. Below are the few example to allow or disallow the search engine crawlers through robots.txt:

Allowing the instruction to the search engines to crawl the website:
User-agent: *
Do not allowing the instruction to the search engines to crawl the website:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /

So with the help of robots.txt optimization, we can easily manage the search engine crawling on our website and if we want that they will not access our particular file or folder on server then we can restrict them through this and as per the instructions search engine will not crawl or indexed those files or folders. Also robots.txt file should be on main root of server always to crawl first by the search engines. Like if we need to optimize a robots.txt file for www.abc.com domain then the robots.txt file should be find at www.abc.com/robots.txt

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